Thursday, January 11, 2007

Apple has done it again...

Apple has cost my kids more of there education fund. Just kidding, I can't buy these but I'm tempted. Anyway the iPhone won't be in Asia till 2008, but if I save 50 NTD per day maybe I could buy one, that means no Zun Ju Nai Cha for almost a year and a half?????? & no Starbucks (at my once a month meeting), Walk instead of scooter (allow extra hour travel time for some events), I'll have to think what else I can shave off the budget, maybe Caleb can go without diapers now, or maybe learn how to use the eBay here and sell all Calebs toys. Well that about does it for my fantasy, but seriously this is THE phone for me. Won't go into it, if it doesn't excite you that's okay. Ted Kau and John Wu took me to the UC Irvine Bookstore and introduced me to the Mac in 1984 when it was first introduced, went home and asked if I could borrow part of the money needed from parents and went back and bought it. I had pneumonia for a few months and used that time to learn it, what a joy and have ever since. And am I happy I didn't have to go the PC route.I want this for my new job to add range. the current set up barely gets thirty meters ( ) in most place and less in others, but it would be an add-on because I would have to upgrade the computers and that would take a year or so, if I could do it at all. I have to wait almost two years for a new computer so maybe I wait, I need to think on this and see if I can swing something, maybe my current Powerbook could add it to the PCMCI, have to wait for someone to make this card.

As for the Apple TV I will seriously consider this when I go back to the States, this March. I really like watching on the TV the TV shows and even the Video podcasts, so to not have to hook up the Powerbook each time would be convenient as well as more versatile. I could have the less on my Powerbook and spread the Shows around to the other macs.

Anyway this is my first take I will continue to see what happens at WWDC 2007.

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